Friday Tarot ~ The High Priestess (r), 7 of pentacles

For Fridays I will be pulling a card from various tarot decks.  After a week of oracular guidance I thought it would be nice to see what the tarot has to say about the week behind and the weekend ahead.   These will be very brief ~ after all the weekend is coming and we all have things to do.

Today I am working with the Smith-Waite deck.

The first card is the High Priestess, in a reversed aspect.  This card suggests that you have embraced the week’s journey with passion and a true involvement.  There is a cautionary note here, to not become too immersed in that process so you don’t lose the sense of who you are.

The second card is the 7 of Pentacles ~ the work you have been doing is bringing you rewards.  As you go into your weekend, you can feel confident that this process will continue.

Taken all together, this week has been one of seeking out joy and passion, letting go of things which no longer suit us, re-committing to our goals and growth, and reaping the benefits of that process.



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