
This weekend is all about making syrups and jellies, washing wool, and gathering berries in the wild.

Feeding my soul with escapes away from the city is something I have far less opportunity for than I would prefer.  Any berries picked are delicious bonuses.

Wool-gathering.  What a fun phrase!  I have already “gathered” the wool from a wonderful person who raises & shears her own sheep.  Sometimes she has items in her etsy shop Na Durtha Wool for purchase, and can be contacted at NaDurthaWool@yahoo.com  Anyhow, I might be running out of time today to begin the task of cleaning the fleece I purchased.  I will be using some of it for stuffing in dream pillows for my etsy shop.  They will be so soft and squishy and perfect.  I can hardly wait!

So what about all this is “witching craft” anyway?  Well, I approach most of my life magically.  Anyone can make jelly.  You don’t have to be a witch to do that – but this witch does things like stir runes into the pot while things simmer, to encourage health and joy and blessings for those who later have the eating of it.  And while I am in the mountains this weekend, I will be taking time to talk to the trees and the rocks, and simply ~be~ for a while.

I had hoped to put together a photo montage of some crafty stuff, but I am out of time this weekend.  Maybe next weekend!  Have a lovely one yourselves and see you again on Monday!

Friday Tarot ~ The High Priestess (r), 7 of pentacles

For Fridays I will be pulling a card from various tarot decks.  After a week of oracular guidance I thought it would be nice to see what the tarot has to say about the week behind and the weekend ahead.   These will be very brief ~ after all the weekend is coming and we all have things to do.

Today I am working with the Smith-Waite deck.

The first card is the High Priestess, in a reversed aspect.  This card suggests that you have embraced the week’s journey with passion and a true involvement.  There is a cautionary note here, to not become too immersed in that process so you don’t lose the sense of who you are.

The second card is the 7 of Pentacles ~ the work you have been doing is bringing you rewards.  As you go into your weekend, you can feel confident that this process will continue.

Taken all together, this week has been one of seeking out joy and passion, letting go of things which no longer suit us, re-committing to our goals and growth, and reaping the benefits of that process.



Gratitude Thursday ~ Emergence

Well I don’t know about everyone else, but this week has been challenging on the mental / emotional / spiritual front.  Our readings throughout the week have really emphasized accessing that light-hearted inner joy and releasing what doesn’t serve us.  Yesterday’s Lightworker reading reminded us to make space for integrating what we are learning and resting our minds.

I will be focusing on the theme of Gratitude for the Thursday readings.  In conjunction with that I will be pulling the card/s from the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON.   This is because these are cards of movement and action.  This is not going to be a series of “I am thankful for my lunch” posts.  Rather, the process of spiritual growth can come with challenges and some really deep places we maybe would rather not go, along with the more light-hearted stops along the way.

The card of Emergence speaks about moving through the process of unfolding, and coming into our new sense of self and/or reality, with celebration.   If the lessons have been difficult and the “letting go” has been a struggle, it might be a bit tricky to look at your situation with a sense of gratitude.  The fact that you are here, reading this, means you are making progress on your journey.  That is worth celebrating and being grateful for!

The summation on card 25 says “The frequency of Emergence invites us to approach our reality with a childlike attitude of innocence and wonderment, and to watch and celebrate the beauty that unfolds from that place.”

This week so far has been about embracing that sense of joy and wonderment – to dance lightly through our week, to let go of those things weighing us down.  Depending on where you are in your journey, you may have had a tough week.  Be gentle with yourself today.  Inhale peace, exhale sludge.  You’ve got this!

Regroup ~ Fifth Ray of Intellectual Knowledge

Wednesdays are an interesting sort of day.  Some people welcome Wednesday with a feeling of relief – a week half over.  Some approach it with resignation – being only through half the week.  I like viewing the day as a mid-point in our modern living sense of weekly time.  It is neither bad nor good.  Instead it is a day to reevaluate how the week is going, a day to reaffirm the energy and goals set on the weekend or Monday before, a day to regroup.

I will be pulling a card or two each Wednesday from the Lightworker Oracle by Alana Fairchild, for some insight and guidance on areas we might want to spend some time with.

Today we have card 42  “Fifth Ray of Intellectual Knowledge”.  There is a woman in the center depicted in full color, smiling, light radiating out of her, who is surrounded by others who are lacking in color and vibrancy, with crabby unhappy expressions on their faces.  One’s eye is drawn to the woman, with the flowers in her hair and wreathed about her neck.

This card is about seeing things for what they really are, making wise choices, and letting go of situations and relationships that are not of positive spiritual benefit to you.   It encourages us to look for the truth in things, to be particular about who we spend our time and energy with.  The Fifth Ray also encourages us to explore life with a scientific mindset – open to knowledge and clarity, to observe and experiment with what works best for you in all aspects of your being (work, health and so on).

Given our other insights for the week, I see today’s message as one of really being honest with ourselves about the people or situations we have surrounded ourselves with that are not aiding us in the pursuit of our joy and goals.  Take a few minutes to find that clarity, and then regroup – get back on track mentally, spiritually, emotionally with the direction you chose to enter this week.

And for those who truck with Angels, this card indicates you can call upon the aid of Archangel Raphael to help you.

So I thought it might be nice to ask how we can move forward this week with joy – and the card which came to hand is #28 ~ Master Hilarion & Archangel Raphael.

This card is encouraging us to make the time for resting our minds.  Without this absolutely vital rest, our minds become fatigued and we become weary and discouraged.  We have likely been working our minds hard, taking in new things, processing a lot of information and insights, and we need to give ourselves the gift of mental rest.

Take some time today (and every day if you can) to engage in those things which allow that to happen for you.   For some people, meditation is a way to allow stillness and peace in the mind.  For others just a walk in nature letting the mind wander without focus is helpful.   Explore various techniques, including facilitating a good night’s sleep, and find something that works for you.  One thing that is beneficial for me is to brew a nice cup of tea and sit in the garden just listening to the birdsong and watching the world – the way the light catches a blade of grass, the cloud floating across the sky, the flicker of wings through the air.