Lightworker Monthly oracle, August 2018

Greetings, Friends!

For our group oracle reading this month, we have card 19, An Invitation to Connect as our past, card 32, Divine Grace – the Law of Efficiency as our present, and card 9, Wisdom of the Divine Feminine as our future.

You have been recognized by Beings from other worlds as having an open mind and a willingness to help humankind move forward in our spiritual journey. They have been offering you an invitation to connect with them and receive their unconditional loving assistance with our spiritual tasks.

Divine Grace – the Law of Efficiency is all about trust. Trust that divine grace, simplicity and acceptance will guide you. All will be as it is meant to be. Love and kindness will lead you to results.

Wisdom of the Divine Feminine also encourages us to trust and be guided by life and accepting of the Universe supporting us in our fulfillment of our visions, dreams and life purpose. Let each day unfold as it is meant to.

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