Lightworker Monthly oracle, March 2019

Greetings, Friends!

For our group oracle reading this month, we have card 24, Initiation by Air as our past, card 10, Power of the Divine Masculine as our present, and card 21, Spiritual Service as our future.

Our minds are capable of great power, and you have been going through a period of exploration of your light and your darkness, perhaps at a subtle level. Your mind as a tool can be a support on your spiritual journey, or hinder you with doubts and obstacles. Without cultivating a loving and kind spiritual practice, the mind can even be a weapon used against others, rather than a tool with which to help and liberate souls. You have been deciding how you will use your own mind.

The empowering energy of the Divine Masculine is here to assist you in finding clarity, creativity and active motion. Rather than repeating old patterns, take steps to move into your new life, manifesting your success and dreams into reality in the Now.

Your self-doubt gets in the way of your work and your life purpose. The Universe knows what you may not believe fully – that you and your talents are of worth, do have value, and you deserve to live a fulfilled life.

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