Touchstone Tarot deck review

a luxurious deck.  Not only are both the box and the cards gilded, but the collaged artwork is simply fabulous.  If you love classical art, you will likely love this deck.








The guidebook not only includes descriptions and interpretations for all of the cards (like most decks do), but also has a robust section in the back which gives all of the art sources for each card.  So if you find yourself really drawn to an aspect of a card, you can look up the source material for deeper reflection if you so choose.

This decks uses wands, cups, coins, and swords for the minors.

Both the major and minor arcana are people-centric, but given the classical art focus you will find that it is not a diverse deck ethnically speaking.  If you prefer decks that depict people from across the globe, this is not the deck for you.  It does, however, do a good job of representing both male and female faces.

I feel this deck would be good for reflection and meditation studies, more so than a quick advice reading.  As such, I have yet to use it much.


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