Wellness Wednesday

Gratitude Journal! Remember to write in your journal regularly (daily, or weekly) if you already have one. If you don’t, begin one. Consciously choosing to examine one’s life and focus on the things and people and events for which you are grateful lifts up your mood, your energy, your overall mental outlook.

One of the people whom I follow online is Flora Sage, and I don’t remember where it was she posted about gratitude journals. I’ve been using her evening journal prompts for a long time now so I’m sharing them here with you.

  • What was awesome today?
  • What did I learn today?
  • What am I proud of?
  • What am I excited about?
  • What am I grateful for?

I also remind myself of the Reiki principles morning and evening, and reflect on them as well when I am doing my gratitude journal. Those are as follows:

  • Just for Today, I will not worry.
  • Just for Today, I will not be angry.
  • Just for Today, I will do my work honestly.
  • Just for Today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.
  • Just for Today, I will be kind to my neighbor and Every Living Thing.

Wellness Wednesday

Nurture a relationship. Our connections with others add vitality to our lives – for us, and for the other person too. Our way of living in our current era is geared towards being busy, to being always available for all people (including employers, friends, family, social organizations). This always-on, always-open, approach has taken away the larger blocks of time that many people used for summertime picnics or playing card games with friends. It is not realistic for most of us to attempt to live in the 1950s; but we can make a conscious effort to leave ourselves some flexible time in order to meet up with friends. Getting together in person is great – but that too may not be feasible for you. Make an appointment in your planner, even 10 minutes a day, that you use solely to make a quick phone call to a relative, or send an e-card with a thoughtful note to an old friend, set reminders for important dates such as birthdays, with enough lead-time that you can send a card, or a gift they would appreciate, or arrangements for a celebration activity. If we do not make the time, the time does not magically make itself.

Wellness Wednesday

Say goodbye to unnecessary stressors in your life. Some things and some people we need to just deal with, as those are the best current options for us. If you are not obligated to, however, then let them go. What in your life creates physical tension, brings on a bad mood, leaves you feeling frustrated? Do you have to do this? No, really, do you HAVE to do it? Temporary discomfort for long-term betterment may be in order.

Wellness Wednesday

Practice good posture. “Sit up straight!” Who among us has never heard that from an adult during our childhood? Good posture allows the proper movement of our air, blood, energy throughout our bodies. It decreases strains and stresses on our joints and muscles and connective tissues. If you’ve been sloppy in your posture, or if you face medical or health issues that make is difficult, begin now to correct it as best you can. Keep it simple, keep it gentle. Do a search for gentle exercises for good posture if you are not sure what to do; and if you have health conditions to consider, be sure to speak with your doctor as well to ensure you are doing what is appropriate for your own body.